Supply chain

Supply chain responsibility.

Following a path of Sustainable Development, we consider it our obligation to promote responsible operation issues across our entire supply chain.

Our approach

Suppliers are key business partners for ElvalHalcor. We build and maintain relationships of mutual trust with our suppliers in order to procure high quality products and services and, in our turn, provide customers with products and services of the same quality.

The development and maintenance of a responsible supply chain with added value for both parties is a commitment in which ElvalHalcor invests and will continue to invest, with enduring partnerships at both national and local level.

Responsible supply chain

Our cooperative relationship with suppliers is crucial for the Sustainable Development of our Company, as our suppliers significantly affect our business activity and contribute to the achievement of our business goals. In recent years, we started building a comprehensive responsible supply chain management procedure that includes, among others, the following initiatives:

  • Issuing a Supplier Code of Conduct.
  • Continuous cooperation, exchange of information and raising suppliers’ and partners’ awareness of sustainability and responsible operation issues.
  • Supplier audit and evaluation processes based on business and sustainability criteria.

Supplier Code of Conduct

ElvalHalcor’s Supplier Code of Conduct describes in detail the way we approach our relations with suppliers and partners, and highlights the Company’s expectations from its supply chain with regard to responsible operation. ElvalHalcor distributes this Code to its suppliers and contractors (existing and new), who are expected to adopt Sustainable Development values and principles.

Our partners / suppliers

Due to the nature of our activities, the bulk of our supplies are raw materials, aluminium and copper. The list of our suppliers includes, in addition to producers, suppliers of metals and other materials, equipment, contractors, energy and fuel companies, and consulting firms.

The list of our approved suppliers for 2019 includes more than 4,000 partners. Of our total suppliers, 73% are domestic (national suppliers) and 27% are suppliers from abroad.

Cooperation with local suppliers

ElvalHalcor’s sustainability policy includes commitments to supporting the local community. Seeking methods to strengthen the local economy, we offer business opportunities and employment to local suppliers. During the supplier evaluation and selection process, the locality criterion is positively evaluated.

Coaching our partners

Our suppliers and partners are an important link in our chain of activities. Accordingly, we have constant communication and cooperation with them, promote the principles of Sustainable Development, informing and training them on responsible operation issues. This action started in 2015 as an initiative of ElvalHalcor’s Copper tubes division, was positively evaluated and is successfully implemented to this day.

In 2019, a specific group of suppliers was selected and their executives were trained/informed on topics related to «Tools for monitoring and ensuring continuous sustainable development», such as the 6s (6 sigma methodology) applied by ElvalHalcor. In 2020, training / informing will continue with other groups of suppliers.

Monitoring the responsible operation of our suppliers

The process of A, B, C supplier classification is in progress (it was completed for the Copper tubes division’s suppliers in 2019, while in early 2020, the classification of the Aluminium rolling division’s A-list suppliers was completed) and, at the same time, the supplier self-assessment process has begun. By the end of 2020, the evaluation of all A and B key suppliers on sustainability issues will also be completed.

Personal data protection

ElvalHalcor respects the personal data protection and undertakes the appropriate measures according to the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation 679/2016 of the European Union and the national implementation law 4624/2019. Aiming the attunement with the international standards and best practices, it adapted a Personal Data Protection Policy and established strict procedures for the protection of personal data throughout its spectrum of activities.

Use of recycled metals

The raw materials procured by ElvalHalcor are copper and aluminium, which come either from primary production (primary metal) or from scrap. The supply of scrap is mainly carried out in two ways: a) through the network of our customers, after the processing of the metal and the production of final products but also b) from the products’ end of life, i.e. after their use by the consumer (end-of-life scrap). The reintegration of scrap into our production is very important for ElvalHalcor, as it promotes the principles of circular economy and has great economic, social and environmental benefits.