Main Actions regarding the Covid-19

Main Actions regarding the Covid-19
As a responsible manufacturer, HALCOR always operates according to the highest Health and Safety standards. Due to the increase of public health concerns over the globally spreading SARS-CoV-2 virus and COVID-19 disease, also known as Coronavirus, HALCOR acted immediately and developed a Covid-19 Protocol and activated the Crisis Management Team to monitor its implementation. The Protocol includes detailed guidelines to effectively manage each potential case of infection, authorizations & prohibitions and regulated accesses. Main actions are the following: 

  1.  All employees, suppliers and everyone entering HALCOR’s premises are scanned with a thermometer at the entrance and proceeds according to the detailed guidance of the Protocol. Sanitizing alcoholic hand gel is placed at the entrance for obligatory usage, whereas others are placed to every working station. Medical protective masks and gloves are provided. Screening practices also include visitor verification of recent travel history and any potential exposure to COVID-19. ?
  2. Detailed instructions are provided to transportation companies: all drivers are required to carry and wear medical protective masks, medical protective gloves and are requested to keep 2 mtrs distance from HALCOR’s employees and HALCOR’s clients.  ?
  3. Continuous and updated internal communication with instructive newsletters distributed regularly, following Greek and World Health Organization’s guidance. ?
  4. Trips and / or visits have been reduced to minimum, i.e. business critical cases and only upon General Management prior approval. All events, meetings and trainings have been transferred to video or teleconferences, when applicable, or have been postponed in due time. ?
  5. From/to HALCOR transportation seats, working stations and potential common areas have been increased, in order to keep at least 2 mtrs distance between employees, and minimize crowding in common areas. Working from home -when possible- is encouraged and special leaves are offered especially to those employees who are considered to be more vulnerable. ?
  6. Under a specific procedure, instructions are set on how to handle any potential case of infection and a specific areas have been appointed as an isolation room. ?
  7. Increased daily cleaning and weekly disinfections have been already implemented and will repeatedly take place according to a specified timetable planning. Instructions on proper hand washing as per WHO guidelines are placed to encourage proper self-hygiene.

For HALCOR Health and Safety comes first and foremost and it is important for all of us to remain calm and respect the guidelines provided by the WHO and the Greek Government, in order to overcome the current situation with the minimum possible impact. 
HALCOR will update its operations and Protocols based on the dynamic developments.
Inofyta, 16/3/20