HALCOR’s updated communication on Covid-19 Protocol

HALCOR’s updated communication on Covid-19 Protocol 
Copper Value Chain
HALCOR’s vertical integration with production lines that include stages of casting, extruding, processing and foam production, enable us a robust undistracted and continuous business operation. Adding to this, our procurement department is in close contact with all our suppliers, ensuring our supply chain continuity.  HALCOR has already initiated a Covid-19 Protocol that prevents any disruption in our manufacturing process by taking the following measures:

  • ? Ordering raw materials with a long term stock coverage thus, stabilizing our production. ?
  • Cooperating closely with our suppliers thus, enabling flexibility on the fluctuations of demand. This action in combination with the already long-lasting and established relationship with our key suppliers has offered us the possibility of an uninterrupted supply chain till now.  ?
  • Maintaining transparency and traceability of our supply chain and enabling alternate sourcing in order to cover possible delays or shortages. ?
  • Monitoring continuously daily market developments in order to identify any problem in the logistics chain, utilizing more transport companies, potential alternative routes and avoiding customs’ bottlenecks.  ?
  • Robust financials and risk management in all aspects of our business offering the capacity to cope with unusual challenges from the external environment. 

Customer Orientation
Our Protocol ensures that HALCOR’s unique added value products and services, respond to our customers’ needs and any requests that might arise during this unstable period. Our Crisis Management Team currently run daily teleconferences with all our departments ensuring the continuity of the triangle of Supply-Production- Commerce and vice versa. Our detailed response plan ensures that all key functions are and will remain operational with appointed teams and back-up plans. Having a high sense of responsibility towards our stakeholders, we increase our efforts to ensure safety for both our employees and our partners.  We do care for our customers and we strongly emphasise that HACLOR ensures business continuity, in order to keep offering our top level customized products and services to our clients.
HALCOR will issue updated announcements in any radical change of the current conditions and will modify the crisis protocols accordingly. 
Inofyta, 20/3/20