ELKEME, Hellenic Research Centre for Metals S.A.

ELKEME was founded in 1999 to support the Greek metallurgical industry. Through its state of the art laboratories, ELKEME focuses on industrial research and technological development. Most of its efforts are concentrated in four major metals sectors (aluminium, copper, steel and zinc) with the aim to provide efficient solutions to its customers. ELKEME activities are mainly focused on applied technological research towards:

a. Improvement in the quality of existing and development of new, innovative and high value added products.

b. Optimisation of industrial processes, to support energy and cost efficient operations with respect for human health and safety as well as the environment.

In parallel and in order to achieve sustainable growth, ELKEME conducts impact assessment on plant environmental performance across different industrial sectors as well as research in the fields of recycling, stabilisation and utilisation of by-products in the production of new high-added value products exploiting their chemical and/or energy content.

The key objective of ELKEME is the deployment and provision of high added value R&D services and technical solutions applicable to business and plant production processes, through:

  • Employment of highly capable scientists, engineers and technicians.
  • Investment in human assets via continuous professional development and education.
  • Adoption of a flexible “customer-focus” business model.
  • High quality and cutting-edge laboratories.
  • Conducting research projects in metallurgy, materials science and environmental engineering.
  • Shaping strong relationships with customers, employees and partners, together with national and international research and/or academic organizations building a “knowledge”, “competence” and “excellence network”.
  • Elkeme laboratories focus on excellence and are recognized and distinguished worldwide through:
    • Successful collaboration in joint research projects with outside consulting and technical partners/organizations and
    • Participating in international contests, such as proficiency testing and inter-laboratory measurement schemes (Analytical chemistry lab).


ELKEME team members participate in international scientific/engineering associations and serve as members of worldwide scientific committees and boards, such as Hellenic Metallurgical Society (member of Federation of the European Materials Societies, FEMS), as well as international/European such as ASM International and European Microbeam Analysis Society (EMAS), Waste-to-Energy Research and Technology Council (WTERT) and Technical Working Group (TWG) of European IPPC Bureau for Non-Ferrous Metals. They also regularly contribute with research papers to scientific journals and conferences and are invited to offer lectures at Universities and in technical meetings and seminars.

ELKEME cooperates regularly with national and foreign Universities for the implementation of practical training internships and elaboration of Diploma, Master and PhD theses based on industrial projects with significant technical and economic impact. Elkeme participates to national and EU-funded research projects in collaboration to VG industries, renowned Research centres and Universities.

ELKEME is a company member of Hellaslab (member of Eurolab).

The management of ELKEME applies robust and modern Quality Management Systems in accordance to ISO 9001:2008 requirements while a recently implemented ISO/IEC 17025:2005 system is under accreditation.

The main departments/laboratories are the following:

  • Analytical Chemistry.
  • Environmental and corrosion.
  • Foundry, Thermal and Steel Processing.
  • Metallography and Electron Optics.
  • Physical Metallurgy and Forming.
  • Mechanical Testing and Cu/Zn Metallurgy.
  • Surface Science and Coatings.
  • Mathematical Modelling.

Special focus is given in the following fields:

  • Alloy & process development and optimization.
  • Industrial trials with scientific monitoring.
  • Simulation of pyrometallurgical, thermal, casting and forming processes for process optimization.
  • Microstructure characterization.
  • Failure analysis and fracture mechanics.
  • Studies of surfaces & coatings.
  • Characterization and study of sandwich composite materials.
  • Chemical, mineralogical and texture analysis.
  • Environmental and waste management /recycling.
  • Systems and methods for optimised energy management.
  • Steel, aluminium, copper, brass and zinc metallurgy.
  • Corrosion protection.
  • Mechanical properties evaluation.
  • International & national R&D projects.

ELKEME is also supported by the technology centres of the Viohalco companies that closely monitor market new trends in order to meet work on customers’ expectations and fulfil requirements.

As a continuously evolving competence and excellence centre, ELKEME management invests in human capital, forming strong and long term professional relationships and promoting lifelong education and training. ELKEME team members are motivated by management to improve their knowledge, scientific status and skillsets by supporting their participation to various post-graduate programs designed and elaborated also in cooperation and alignment with industrial companies and their needs.