ELVALHALCOR today paves the way for 24 engineers of tomorrow, broadening their horizons

Elval, the Aluminium Rolling Division of ElvalHalcor, developed the “Engineers of Tomorrow” program through which it gives the opportunity to young graduates from Technical Universities   to start their career today at its manufacturing plant, participating in this  12-month paid internship program. Through a highly transparent and meritocratic selection process, starting today and for the next 12 months, 12 young engineers will have the opportunity to gain working experience of the highest standards, with practical on-the-job-training participating  in specific projects in various factory departments,  thus acquiring specialized training according to their field of studies.

In parallel, Halcor, ElvalHalcor’s Copper Extrusion and Alloys Division, through the twin program  “Vio-Michanikoi Orizontes” today welcomes another 12 young engineers who will take part in its  12 month paid internship program, equally aiming to offer the participants valuable  knowledge and development of practical skills, in a modern and dynamic working environment.

Both programs mark the beginning of an institution for ElvalHalcor, in its effort to offer significant opportunities to young scientists, giving them the opportunity to start a career in their country, contributing to the brain-regain, as well as United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals for Quality Education, Decent Work and Economic Growth.

Welcoming the 12 “Engineers of Tomorrow” at Elval’s premises in Oinofyta today,  Ms Vera Pagkoulaki, Elval HR Director and Viohalco Group Senior HR Director, made the following statement:

« It is with great pleasure that we welcome today the young men and women who stood out amongst hundreds of candidates – through a fair and meritocratic selection process – and today make a first step towards their future career, by joining a great working environment in Europe’s second largest aluminum hot rolling factory. This is an institution which  is here to stay. It represents the future of Elval’s scientific human resources. We strongly believe in young people and through the well-structured selection process we have followed, we are confident that they will integrate smoothly in our working environment with a potential to remain with us for a longer period”.

From his part Lambros Karageorgos, Halcor’s HR Director, opening “Vio-Michanikoi Orizontes” for the  12 young engineers who today start their paid internship in ElvalHalcor’s Copper Extrusion and Alloys Division said: “Competition was big and the selection very difficult. Today we are welcoming with joy and a lot of expectations the best among the numerous candidates of the  “Industrial Horizons” program. Twelve extremely talented young engineers who we will train, motivate and develop offering them valuable assets and prospects, through the experience they will acquire working in the plants of Europe’s biggest copper tubes manufacturer.  Halcor always stands by the side of young professionals both through the specific program, as well as through a series of activities in the context of its «Halcor – E  -du» series, linking manufacturing with education”.