ElvalHalcor supports the Roots program of the Athens Exchange

ElvalHalcor supports the Roots program of the Athens Exchange
ElvalHalcor, as an active member of the AΤΗΕΧ and the industrials sector worldwide, is proud to support the Roots program, aimed at unlocking opportunities for the Greek SMEs and start-up companies by providing guidance and knowledge sharing.
Roots is an initiative of the Athens Exchange in cooperation with the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce and with the support of the Global Federation of Competitiveness Councils (GFCC), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Hellenic Republic Ministry of Economy and Development.
Roots aims to promote competitive and commercially viable business plans of small and mediumsized enterprises (SMEs), primarily by facilitating their access to investment capital in accordance with internationally accepted rules and best practices.
Throughout the program, the participating companies receive guidance and advice from experienced professionals, in preparing and communicating their investment proposal. The role of Mentor and of Investment Advisor will be undertaken by experienced professionals from the Advisory Partners, as well as leading Greek and multinational companies that are supporting the program as Corporate Champions. In the 1st season, ElvalHalcor and other major Greek companies, supports the program as Roots Corporate Champions.

About ElvalHalcor

ElvalHalcor S.A. Hellenic Copper and Aluminium Industry is a leading global industrial manufacturer of aluminium and copper products. The Company was formed in December 2017 via a merger by absorption of Elval Hellenic Aluminium Industry S.A, a leading international aluminium rolling company, by Halcor Metal Works S.A., the largest copper tubes producer in Europe. For more information about ElvalHalcor, please visit our website at www.elvalhalcor.com
About Roots

Roots aims to accelerate the growth of innovative Greek SMEs and start-ups, and help them obtain the necessary knowledge and skills to design and effectively communicate their proposals to investors, and access financing opportunities through the Greek capital market. For more information about the program, interested parties can visit the Roots website (https://www.rootsprogram.com/).