As part of the Bravo Sustainability Dialogue & Awards, Halcor (ElvalHalcor S.A.’s copper tubes division) received an award in the Environment category for its circular economy plastic waste management program. The awards event took place on Wednesday 18 December 2019 at the Athens Concert Hall.ElvalHalcor S.A.’s copper tubes division proceeded with the design, development andimplementation of a voluntary responsible practice regarding the reuse of plastic waste (PE)resulting from its production process. This project is part of the circular economy that theCompany is committed to implementing.Mr. Efstratios Kolyfetis, Halcor’s Environmental Officer receiving the award, stated that: “Byconsistently serving the principles of sustainable development and responsibleentrepreneurship, Halcor is now thinking “Circular” and is continuously investing in practicesthat serve to improve its environmental footprint.”

The Can Recycling Centre (CANAL) of Elval (the aluminium rolling division of ElvalHalcor) gained a significant distinction in the “Bravo Society” category (large companies classification), in the framework of the «Bravo Sustainability Awards». The ceremony of the «Bravo Sustainability Awards 2018», took place on December 11, 2018, at the Megaro Mousikis Athinon, organized by the QualityNet Foundation.CANAL is a pioneering recycling centre, which accepts, separates and packages aluminium used beverage cans. .

TRAINING AND COMMUNICATION OF OUR BUSINESS STAFF.Halcor held its annual sales meeting, which aims to communicate the company’s performance in terms of production, financial results, achieved commercial goals and providing specific training in areas such as health and safety applicable in manufacturing, technology and innovation program process, competitors analysis, customer evaluation process, raw material and foam insulation information. In addition, the results of the previous year were announced and the objectives of the actual year budget and sales plan were updated. With the presence and positions announced by the Management, our executives presented key subjects selected for this year’s Annual Sales Meeting. After each presentation there was a further time of questions and answers among the participants.

As part of the Bravo Sustainability Dialogue & Awards, ElvalHalcor received a total of three awards that reaffirm the company’s commitment to the principles of Sustainable Development and its dedication to implementing responsible business practices. The awards event took place on Wednesday, 18 December 2019, at the Athens Concert Hall.The best practices that ElvalHalcor was distinguished for at this year’s Bravo Awards are thefollowing:? “Boost your career. We elVALUE next generation” practice (Society category: educationnextgeneration & lifelong learning subcategory).? Delacquering – aluminum melting furnaces (Environment category: Climate changeresponsiveness subcategory).? “Circular economy and plastic waste management (Environment category: wastemanagement and circular economy subcategory).ElvalHalcor invests heavily in Sustainable Development and consistently pursues responsibledevelopment through implementing best practices.

Report by the Scientific Consultant on Health Matters of the Hellenic Copper Development Institute, Dr. Panos Efsthathiou.

ELVALHALCOR HELLENIC COPPER AND ALUMINIUM INDUSTRY S.A. (“ElvalHalcor” or “the Company”), pursuant to Article 17 paragraph 1 of Regulation (ΕU) 596/2014 of the European Parliament and the Council of 16th April 2014 and Article 2 paragraph 4 of Decision No 3/347/12.7.2005 of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission and in line with the 21 December 2017 and 14 February 2018 press releases, regarding the installation of a four-stand tandem aluminium hot rolling finishing mill in the rolling plant at Oinofyta, announces to the investment community that the Company has initiated the second phase of its five year investment plan of its aluminium rolling Division.Increasing environmental awareness and global strategies towards the use of more sustainable, recyclable, lightweight and energy efficient materials in important sectors, such as packaging and transportation, are driving the growth of the aluminium products market.

ElvalHalcor, as an active member of the AΤΗΕΧ and the industrials sector worldwide, is proud to support the Roots program, aimed at unlocking opportunities for the Greek SMEs and start-up companies by providing guidance and knowledge sharing.Roots is an initiative of the Athens Exchange in cooperation with the American-Hellenic Chamber ofCommerce and with the support of the Global Federation of Competitiveness Councils (GFCC), theEuropean Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the Hellenic Republic Ministry of ForeignAffairs and the Hellenic Republic Ministry of Economy and Development.Roots aims to promote competitive and commercially viable business plans of small and mediumsizedenterprises (SMEs), primarily by facilitating their access to investment capital in accordance with internationally accepted rules and best practices.

Halcor received a total of two awards at the Hellenic Responsible Business Awards, , once againhighlighting the Company’s commitment to Sustainable Development principles and itscommitment to implementing responsible business practices. The event for the awards was heldon Monday, February 24, at the Benaki Museum, 138 Piraeus & Andronikou Street in Athens.Halcor’s best practices that were awarded in this year’s “HRB” are in the category: • Sustainable Development – Recycling – Recycling of Copper and Copper Alloys – Silver Prize • Sustainable Development – Supply Chain – Supplier Code of Conduct and Supplier Training – Bronze Award.Halcor invests heavily in Sustainable Development and seeks continuous responsible growth by implementing sound entrepreneurial practices. In the context of sustainable development, the company places great emphasis on recycling metals and especially copper and copper alloys.

It was the first time that three Greek companies, ElvalHalcor, Epexyl and Raycap, participatedat the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) European Career Fair in Boston, from the21st to the 24th of February.The Hellenic Students’ Association of MIT initiative, actively supported by SEV (Hellenic Federation of Enterprises), Ministry of Education and Greek Consulate General in Boston, mainly aimed at the interconnection of Greek enterprises with some of the world’s most brilliant minds, as well as with young, highly skilled professionals with deep expertise. This particular initiative is part of the wider endeavor to answer crucial needs of Greek labor market and intercept “brain drain”.The MIT European Career Fair is the biggest one in the USA and mainly addresses to students and young professionals, interested in coming back Europe.

ElvalHalcor received 1st place in the “Globalization” award category, at the Business Awards “Hrima2019″ held at the Divani Caravel Hotel, Athens on Friday, February 21st.For the 17th consecutive year, readers of the financial-investment ”Hrima” magazine, as well as visitors of the business-financial portal,, highlighted and rewarded companies that contribute effectively to the development of the national economy, employment and the Greek capital market.ElvalHalcor’s success derives from its commercial export orientation, customer-focused philosophy and innovation which comes through continuous investment in R&D. The Company has more than 80 years of experience, a strong production base across 14 industrial units, a market presence in over 100 countries, and highly experienced and specialized personnel.