Elval, aluminium rolling division of ElvalHalcor announces the certification of its production facilities at Oinofyta, Greece to the ASI Performance Standard. The certification audit was conducted by DNV GL and it covered all the policies, procedures, infrastructure and practices that are in place against the criteria of the standard.

We are proud to have our customer, The Lawton Tubes Co. in UK, a provider of full pipeline solutions for large medical installations. Their medical gas grade copper tube systems are of unrivaled quality, produced to BS EN 13348 standards and conforms to the latest NHS specification HTM02.

Could copper help us fight disease and slow down their transmission?Covid-19 has swept through the world, causing an emergency unlike anything experienced in in most of our lifetimes. This pandemic has left experts scratching their head, wondering what could have been done differently to have mitigated this catastrophe.

It could destroy norovirus, MRSA, virulent strains of E. Coli, and coronaviruses—including the novel strain currently causing the COVID-19 pandemic.

Copper Alloy Surfaces Kill Bacteria and Reduce Hospital-Acquired Infections.This is a translational science article from the U.S. National Library of Medicine that discusses copper alloys as antimicrobial environmental surfaces. Bacteria die when they come in contact with copper alloys in laboratory tests. Components made of copper alloys were also found to be efficacious in a clinical trial.

Copper surfaces are associated with significantly lower concentrations of bacteria on selected surfaces within a pediatric intensive care unit. Highlights:•The built hospital environment serves as a tremendous and continuous reservoir of microbes capable of colonizing and infecting patients.•Cleaning, hand hygiene, and infection control bundles while effective cannot completely eliminate this risk.•Augmenting the built hospital environment with continuously active antimicrobial surfaces fabricated from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency-registered copper surfaces can significant lower the microbial burden, helping to augment existing infection control strategies.•Copper surfaces were found to be significantly effective in lowering the burden found in multibed rooms associated with pediatric intensive care units.

This amount, collected from VIOHALCO’s subsidiaries, represents the first part of theFoundation’s contribution towards the fight against COVID-19.This decision of the Board of Directors of the MICHAEL N. STASSINOPOULOS – VIOHALCOPUBLIC BENEFIT FOUNDATION was made after consultation with the competent authorities,in order to strengthen and support the Greek National Health System and cover specificneeds.VIOHALCO’S subsidiaries contributed to the donation of EUR 650,000 with the followingamounts: ELVALHALCOR S.A. EUR 400,000, HELLENIC CABLES S.A. EUR 160,000 and CORINTHPIPEWORKS S.A. EUR 90,000.Through this donation, the Foundation is expressing its desire to stand by the patients,doctors, nurses and general staff of our country’s hospitals who are all being greatly testedduring this difficult period we are going through.

In the presence of the Prime Minister Mr. Kyriakos Mitsotakis, a presentation event was held for the new innovative four stand TANDEM aluminum hot rolling mill on Wednesday, July 15, at ELVAL’s premises in Oinofyta. This new strategic investment of ELVAL (the aluminum rolling division of ELVALHALCOR) in the most modern hot rolling mechanical equipment in the world today, places the Greek aluminum industry at the very forefront of the industry globally.

ElvalHalcor received the Business Excellence Award at the “Diamonds of the Greek Economy 2020” award ceremony, held on July 15, 2020, at the Hilton Athens Hotel. The event was organized by New Times Publishing, awarding “diamond” companies from the entire Greek business spectrum, in the presence of representatives of the State, the country’s leading business entities and business executives.

ElvalHalcor announces that its Aluminium Rolling Division production facilities at Oinofyta (Elval) have been certified to the ASI Chain of Custody Standard (CoC). The certification audit was conducted by DNV Business Assurance Services UK LTD from June 30 – July 1st 2021 and resulted to full certification.